Winner Story

Carol Costello Presents: Blind Rage
by Evergreen Podcasts

When 22-year-old journalist Carol Costello reported on the violent abduction of Phyllis Cottle in 1984, she could never have predicted that, almost 40 years later, she would revisit the story– this time, in podcast form. With unique insight into the ups and downs of Phyllis’ case, her family’s fight for justice and her enduring survival, 2023 Best in Show winner Carol Costello Presents Blind Rage by Evergreen Podcasts is a standout in the true crime genre. In addition to honors from the w3 Awards, the podcast also won two 2023 Davey Awards, including Gold in Podcast Features-Best Host.

Where did it all start?
I have long wanted to tell the world about Phyllis Cottle. I kept records and recordings from her case for 30 years. My goal in finally telling Phyllis’ story was to find a company who had the same values as Phyllis – and me. I wanted a company who cared deeply about people and that kind of Midwestern mindset that I (I was raised in Ohio) and Phyllis shared. That was Evergreen Podcasts.

If you had an unlimited budget, what would you add?
Researchers. I had hundreds of pages of records to sift through. I wanted to be 100 percent accurate, but it’s hard without a second, or third pair of eyes.